King of the Hill: Lupe's Revenge (2001)
Season 6, Episode 3
Peggy Hill you are stupid
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of King Of The Hill, but like many good shows, it manages to have at least one episode that is a stinker. And oh boy this one is pretty bad.

Peggy substitutes for a Spanish class and goes on a field trip to Mexico. While on the bus, she makes everyone and the bus driver to speak Spanish even though she sucks at it. Wait why is she teaching Spanish then?

Next they arrive at a butcher shop and thought it was a carnival since she confused the Spanish word for it with a carnival. Then when it's time to leave, a little girl name Lupe offers Peggy to buy some gum, but Peggy thinks she's a student and takes her on the bus. Excuse me but Peggy don't you have a list of students in the class? Apparently not since she took a little girl who wasn't in the class.

Then she realizes she kidnapped the girl and decide to bring her back, but gets arrested. Now here's where the episode gets stupid. The jury let's Peggy go because she accidentally kidnapped a girl.

So in other words, this episode says it's ok if you accidentally kidnapped someone, they'll let you go. What kind of message is that? Accidental or not, you get arrested for kidnapping anyone! The side plot with Hank getting sexually harassed by a female cop is bad too. Like I said I like this show, but this episode is worth skipping over.
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