The Expanse: Nemesis Games (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Great Episode - The Actor Who Plays Alex Did it to Himself
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For those that don't know the actor who plays Alex is under investigation for sexually harassing multiple women and his contract wasn't renewed for season 6. I thought we were going to get some BS off screen death in season 6 so I was happy we at least got some type of story from it. Even though it was brief and rushed. I wonder if they didn't do a quick reshoot once they found out he wouldn't be coming back.

Season 5 has been very up and down. The first 3 episodes were excellent and episode 4 was one of the best episodes in the entire show if not the best. However episodes 5-9 really got bogged down in the Naomi saga. When she flew through the vacuum of space like Princess Leia in The Last Jedi it was the lowest point the show ever reached. After that we get nearly an entire episode of her wimpering and crying. It was beyond annoying. I nearly muted it. There was also the fact she was barely phased by being in Space. She obviously should have been dead or at least be covered in 3rd degree burns with several broken bones after crashing into the ship frozen. The whole Naomi story on the ship with Philip was terrible too and way too drawn out. Should have been one episode tops.

Marco Inaros is a great villain. He's been awesome throughout this season and he doesn't disappoint in this episode. I wish this were episode 6 or 7 because they really could have built on this and had an amazing finish to the season. Having said that this episode was really good. But the previous 4 episodes should have been condensed into 1 or 2 tops. I'm excited for season 6 and I hope the writers read the feedback and end this show with a bang. Also there are so many chances for great storylines not including the Rocinate and I would love to watch some type of spin-off in the future.
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