Bad Moon (1996)
Imagine a dog or a big fat rat getting bit by a werewolf n they transform.
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this for the first time recently n i agree that it was an ok werewolf film for the late 90s but the movie cant hold up due to the bad effects n lousy ending.

I even showed the werewolf to my seven year old nephew n he dismissed it as a soft toy.

Michael Pare was in good shape, the family house is picturesque but the tension n suspense is totally lacking.

How Ted was able to get the same shoes after his shoes gets torned everytime he transforms is beyond me and it is an expensive affair man.

Also Ted handcuffing himself so close to his sister's house is plain stupid.

Another ridiculous stuff they added is that Ted transforms into a werewolf every single nite thereby removing the concept of full moon.

Even the nudity n sex scene is lousy cos the makers were confused whether to make it a mild movie involving a family n their dog or go full out.
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