In the Dark (2017)
I liked the potential, main character, not so much! Spoilers!
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've gotten into a phase of getting into a lot of British police procedurals and I initially thought this would be a good one, and for the most part it was enjoyable. I just couldn't get past a lot of the decisions Helen made. I know we were supposed to get caught up in her emotional connection to Paul, but if the revelation that she had cheated on Paul with Adam wasn't enough, the fact that she slept with him again after Paul's death didn't really endear her character to me. I know they tried to present how emotional she was feeling, they even threw in the suspicion that Paul may have been a "dirty cop" and doing something wrong when he died. Instead the revelation that Helen broke Paul's heart by sleeping with Adam while they were together and that the baby may indeed Adam's sort of made Helen even more unlikable when she sleeps with Adam again after Paul is tragically killed and its discovered that Adam may have had something to do with it! The show did a good job of showing her grieving, and having visions and flashbacks of Paul beside her, but that sentiment is lost in Helen's actions, before and after Paul's death. I really wanted to like this program, I just didn't really find Helen's character all that likable. We were supposed to care about her, but I just wasn't feeling it.
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