Plot Confusion!
6 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know this movie has gotten a lot of negative feedback, but I personally thought it wasn't bad. I know I have seen much worse, by far. However, there is a major point of confusion for me,

The plot explains that there is an evil there that's waited for years, however, when the little girl first falls into the basement and she walks over to pick up her frog that appears magically....she looks up and sees the "evil" and says "Daddy." Then, she smiles in a somewhat creepy way. And it seems later on as if this is, in fact, their father that has somehow manifested into this ...thing...which when his brother shows up out of nowhere, he seems to imply that their dad is dead when tells Kathy to tell the kids why they can't see him and he can't see them. Then when Derry catches Karrie talking into the vent and goes to tell their mom, Karrie literally comes out of nowhere wearing a coat we can only assume is their dad's (mostly because of the comment she makes to mom) and straight tackles him. During their tussle, their father speaks and it comes across as if he IS the thing in the house by the comments he makes. Then, to add to that, Mike seems to have a crush on a girl we never even see or meet until he takes out trash one night. They are new to this town, how did he even meet her? So the next time he tries to see her, she isn't with her friends, but appears out of thin air when he closes the trashcan lid. After a failed make-out attempt, he goes into the other room and they talk through the walls. Then, she literally just gets kind of absorbed into the wall after telling Mike he has no idea how much it means to her that he is thinking about staying. So is SHE the evil thing? Then back to the uncle (the dad's brother), he breaks in after being thrown out and you hear a voice tell him "You aren't supposed to be here." That again would go back to the thing being the dad. Or heck, is it the uncle since he ended up losing his head over the matter?!?!?! And does anyone recall the daughter mentioning "elves" when they try to leave but the doors are locked and they find the uncles head and the thing comes out of the basement. Elves now too? Geez.... I could keep going but I just can't.

So that's my whole issue with the movie. Because when the mom says "Take me. I have what you want" the thing lets the kids go and takes her, but he does again try to take the kids later (which he said earlier during the twins' tussle, that they would all be together again). It does seem to appear he never harmed the kids considering they constantly say how they wish he was the there. The daughter really more so than her twin brother. But whether or not he ever harmed them doesn't really matter because if it IS him, maybe he just wants his kids with him (this is one way to look at it also).

In the things said and the actions made, it all seems to point to this thing being their father that their mother has ran from, but that is nowhere near matching to the plot summary.
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