Review of Kid Cosmic

Kid Cosmic (2021–2022)
A must watch for Craig McCracken fans!
3 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When this show was first announced I was quite worried since the premise didn't sound all that original. The biggest selling point for me at the time was it's creator the legendary Craig McCracken who is behind some of my favorite cartoons of all time. My feelings on it became more positive when it's trailer was released but I was still cautious.

And when it finally released let me tell you. It did NOT disappoint. This may be shaping to be one of my favorite netflix originals ever. It's Tintin inspired art style helps it stand out from a lot of cartoons of today and I can't get enough of these backgrounds and colors. Mercury Filmworks did a stellar job on the animation making it an all round pleasing cartoon to look at. The soundtrack is also really good and I hope it gets an official release some day.

The story follows a young boy named Kid who stumbles upon some strange super power giving space rocks one day of which he uses to bring together some local town residents to form his own superhero team. Each episode of the first season is engaging and I never found myself zoning out while binging it. Episodes never feel like they are dragging and this may be because the crew wasn't forced to make them all half an hour long. The show balances great humor, fast paced action scenes and emotion spectacularly and I'm excited to see where the plot goes in the next seasons.

The characters are just as great as the story and visuals. Let's start with the main protagonist Kid. He is an energetic young boy who dreams of being a superhero, just like the ones in the comic books he reads. Lucky for him he found 5 space rocks which could grant those wishes. Throughout the season we see him struggle to handle his superpowers and these were some of the most relatable moments of the show to me. We also learn more about his tragic past as the season goes on which really made me sympathize with his character. Next we got Jo a teenage girl who works at a her mothers coffee shop and wishes for more excitement in her life, which she does get when she is approached by Kid to join his superhero team. She acts as a great foil for Kid and as good leader figure for the team. Rosa is toddler, I don't have much to say about her but I really did enjoy her. Chuck is a sarcastic alien stuck on earth initially with the desires to get the cosmic stones to please his ruler. We see him change from enemy to ally and I found him really admirable. Papa G is an old man who I believe is Kids parental figure. You can tell he genuinely cares for Kid and tries his hardest to keep him happy despite life not being the kindest to him. Lastly we have Tuna Sandwich. He is a cat which loiters around the local coffee shop and is also my favorite character. I love him because of his smarts and the genuine appreciation he has for Kid. Also he is a cat.

In conclusion Kid Cosmic is a must watch for Craig McCracken fans and one of the best animated series of the year so far. Go and watch it if you haven't.
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