Athlete A (2020)
Terribly hard to watch, but an important and effective story
3 February 2021
It's tough to know how to evaluate Athlete A. I tend to be someone who rates/ranks movies based on my enjoyment of a film, but there is nothing to "enjoy" here. Athlete A is the kind of film that made me sob in tears and want to put my fist through someone's face. It gave me chills of horror and fits of anger (amplified by the fact that some of the vile events discussed in it took place mere minutes from where I live.) None of these are pleasant emotions, but the fact that I felt them so intensely is a sign that the filmmakers did their job. I have nothing but appreciation for the skill that went into presenting the story of the awful things that went on behind the scenes of US Olympic Gymnastics for decades.

Athlete A is a movie that needed to be made, about a story that people need to know, but it is also a sensitive topic that will be hard (perhaps impossible) for some viewers to watch. I will say, while the details of what went on are discussed without holding back, there is some tact in the way it is presented. It's a tough balance, but I think they did a great job. The film tackles the subject from 2 different angles. One side is presenting the way the story was broken by a newspaper, and how that led to countless victims coming forward to form the case against this predatory "doctor." The other aspect of the film is a series of one-on-one interviews with some of the victims and their families as they discuss what happened.

You have to applaud all these young women who came forward and were willing to relive devastating moments in their lives. They display such strength and maturity that it is truly inspiring. Of course, the more you admire these women, the more angry you get at those who victimized them, those who played a part in allowing it to happen, and those involved in covering up the truth. This is a blight on USA gymnastics, and makes me sick when I recall watching Olympic events and seeing those faces on the sidelines. There's no doubt that Athlete A tells the truth in a powerful way, and I'm grateful that some filmmakers were skilled enough to do this story justice. They share the ugly truth in Athlete A so that others can learn from what happened to these girls, and hopefully we can avoid situations like this in the future.
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