Review of Run

Run (I) (2020)
This movie was so predictable
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow had no idea the actress was actually on a wheelchair in real life. Much respect. I'm confused.. why did the mother had marks on her Back? the last scene is so ridiculous and not in keeping with the girl's character. honestly thought this movie was dumb and unoriginal. complete rip off of misery, and the act. very predictable thriller. the story cheesy. I hate forced "thrillers" like this. Stories like this one always seem far fetched and a bit silly to me. It is full of plot holes. Some movie issues: No character development at all. They don't even have a dog but she gets tons of dog medicine. Those medications never came out in Chloe's blood tests? And many other medical and non medical related plot issues. BTW, no one cares for the poor mail man. Very contrived plot. The girl finds out facts very easily. Mother locks her in basement full of newspaper clips explaining the story. Really...?
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