The Big Sick (2017)
Despite rarely making me laugh out loud, there's something really endearing and charming about The Big Sick
31 January 2021
The Big Sick is a really enjoyable film, mostly due to the great chemistry between its two leads. Kumail and Zoe played off of each other so well, and the whole relationship felt real and authentic. As a result, the film had genuine heart which I loved. Kumail as the lead was great, bringing his trademark quirky charm to the role and brining it to life perfectly.

As well as great performances from Kumail and Zoe, Ray Romana and Holly Hunter as the parents were fantastic. Once again they gelled so well with the others and felt like very real and engaging characters.

The plot felt very original and fresh, opening up lots of comedic and dramatic avenues. What I liked about it was how it explored so many different themes and had lots of different layers. We went from familial love to romantic love, religion, rejection, betrayal, etc. The Big Sick really runs the gamut in what it offers.

As I have already mentioned, I didn't find The Big Sick overly funny. There were a few really laugh out loud moments, but mostly this was a light touch comedy, which shined when it was digging down into its more dramatic and emotional moments.

If you're looking for a nice, warm and gentle comedy, then look no further than The Big Sick.
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