Honestly not great, but there is fun to be had here
31 January 2021
You see, Gyaos' design is technically kind of bad, but the way the monster is overly human looking while standing creates an uncanny effect that is kind of creepy... even if said effect may have been unintentional.

There's some subplotty stuff about building a road that some people don't like early on. It's abandoned and then addressed briefly right near the end. It adds nothing.

I like Gamera being a friend to all children- it's wholesome. Also liked that dissolve between the kid lying down and Gamera lying/healing at the bottom of the ocean.

Other than that, it's exactly what you'd expect out of a cheap, somewhat sloppy, but thoroughly endearing old Japanese monster movie. If you like the genre, you'll probably enjoy this. If you're not a fan, Gamera Vs Gyaos will not be the film that converts you
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