Dead Still (2020)
Costumes, sets, great. (Very) mildly funny. Story/ies atrocious.
30 January 2021
Dublin in the 1880s, and a memorial photographer (ie of corpses and their families) is drawn into a police investigation of some sort. I say 'of some sort' because it isn't clear what, even into the third episode, 15 minutes of which is all I could manage to watch without wanting to rip my own head off after the first two.

'Manage' to watch mainly because of the aforementioned costumes, sets (digital or not), and funny - well, droll - bits. The cast are OK, playing it for laughs - well, drollery - because the storylines are simply terrible. The sort of thing you'd expect schoolkids to come up with, given the premise.

I was engaged by the vague sense of '1880's as contemporary', but not by the characters, not by the story, and occasionally the music seemed completely random. Yet another fancy-dress melodrama.
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