Review of Quirke

Quirke (2013–2014)
Spoiler Alert** I can't watch another minute
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe being months into the COVID-19 pandemic has jaded my ability to enjoy this kind of drama. I watched the first two episodes, drawn in by the atmosphere and the sheer visual beauty. But by the end of the second one I was so depressed I thought I might join one of the many corpses I was seeing on the screen. Every hint of love is overshadowed by the specter of Death and there is no redemption for the characters who seem hell-bent on destroying themselves and each other.

I don't like romantic anything, but I was begging for true romance if not true love somewhere for someone and it never came. It's only 9pm but I am going to take a sleeping pill (just one, mind you) and hope I don't have any dreams that turn into nightmares like this drama.
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