2 Stars out of 5 Stars
23 January 2021
Wow this was so wack. Little to no effort was put into this Disney show. Purely for children or people that want to connect with their 6 year old. I only ended up watching the first season and some of the second season only because I was "attempting" to finish the 101 Dalmatian franchise but there's no way I'm going to actually watch40+ episodes of this mediocre entertainment. I might come back eventually and finish the series just to be a completionist but I really don't see the point other than I sometimes like to succumb myself to garbage.

Edit: So I did end up coming back to this months later to finish the rest of the series (around 45 episodes). I started to loosen up to the child humor and terrible writing, with some of the episodes being somewhat good, surprisingly, most notably the Invasion of the doggy Snatchers episode. Spot really started stealing the show for me, mostly because of her jokes. The three puppies were kind of boring, except Cadpig, as she had a few funny parts too. In all, I still didn't enjoy the show overall but I did enjoy moments, and even enjoyed a couple episodes.
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