Dream Girl (1948)
Hybrid Play
22 January 2021
The author of Street Scene Elmer Rice wrote Dream Girl and it ran for 348 performances on Broadway during the 1945-46 season. On stage the stars were Betty Field and Wendell Corey. It must have had something a bit more going for it than this film version.

It has Betty Hutton and maybe had Preston Sturges still been with Paramount he might have done something more. Dream Girl seems like a hybrid workm part Walter Mitty, part Strange Interlude and a bit of Lady In The Dark thrown in for good measure,

Betty's part is that of a dreamy girl who is constantly giving way to imagining fantasies, especially about the men in her life and more not those. She's got a thing for Patric Knowles who is married to her sister Virginia Field, but there's a lot less to Knowles than meets the eye.

The one to set here on a path of reality is Macdonald Carey a cynical newspaperman (is there another kind in movies). But he has his work cut out for him.

Dream Girl is passably good and it could have doe more for Hutton's career. But I don't think she was properly directed.
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