Great topic but average execution - still okay-ish informative. Thanks for creating this documentary!
19 January 2021
I think that this documentary is (hopefully) more for the NON-HSP than HSPs, although the documentary sounded a lot of times like "You can do better, we support you HSP."... and somehow I wished that this documentary was more for the ones who do not know what HSP is actually. I came across this while doing research and although I was delighted to hear some of the researchers speak on screen (I was excited to see one Ph.D. from Bamberg where I actually grew up!), but seriously: the repetitive imagery, the weird cinematography (at times), the weird sound overlays and the overall not tooooo appealing visuals were not very amusing to watch. I mean yes, it is a documentary and needs to inform, but I can't get rid of the feeling that there was used an awfully lot of stock footage. (and bad actors... sorry guys :( ).

But enough of the bad talking, I liked the structure of the narration / information and hope that this film will help a few people out there either to explain HSPs to non-HSPs or can reflect on HSP while being one themselves.

I am, personally, a HSP and still try to figure out my detailed trait-set together with introversion and attachment style to understand myself better. I somehow wished as well to have heard more research in this film about all that stuff, like how introversion connects with for example fearful-avoidant or dismissive-avoidant attachment styles WITH HSPs, but then again - this is a too specialized topic, I guess. I am happy they spoke about parenting as well and the workplace, which is a huge deal for many HSPs, I think. (I got around this by having a HSP mother and learning early in my life to follow my needs and for example work from home early on)

So: nice documentary but not the blockbuster you might expect due to advertising/visuals/trailer. But like the film said: HAVE MERCY. So I have mercy with it as well and say: good job folks! Thanks for producing this!
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