A temporary love of one night changes the life permanently. Josef Sternberg's most skilled work.
18 January 2021
The Docks Of New York (1928) : Brief Review -

A temporary love of one night changes the life permanently. Josef Sternberg's most skilled work. The Docks Of New York may not drive you crazy with eternal love segments or overdramatic romance or too much of philosophy of married life but it has a sublime impact coming from the quick done story. A blue-collar worker on New York's depressed waterfront finds his life changed after he saves a woman attempting suicide. Without falling in love they get married the same night and don't give much importance to the future, however, they do realise the responsibility and ethics once forever. Unlike other silent films of same time this one is far more advanced in acting section. George Bancroft and Betty Compson give performances that make you forget that you are watching a silent film. Such is the Power of theirs acts that they make the characters look talkative and alive even without sound. The credit for the same should go to the intertitles as they are brilliantly written. Not to forget the great cinematography catching the right frame, correct angles and perfect facial expressions of the actors. A film with a positive message and positive theme never feels bad or dull at all and if it gives the right message without spoiling that positivity then there is nothing more to ask for. It all comes together very well and that's exactly what happens with The Docks Of New York. Probably, this is Josef von Sternberg most skilled work i have seen. His crafting of the subject and storytelling details in such a short runtime are damn impressive. The only thing it lacks is the repeat value because there is no extreme romance and no generous scenes so once you finish watching it, you know everything about it. There is nothing much to enjoy in the second viewing. Nevertheless, it's a great film, no doubts.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest
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