4 Presidents (2020)
Clears up a great deal of confusion learned in school
18 January 2021
Sadly, our schools leave out a lot of the hard facts needed to make sense of history. Memorization of dry facts and dates is NOT what history is about. I finally gained an appreciation of history in 11th grade World History class, where Mrs. Hendry informed her class that history was all about "motivation." I was electrified and enthralled by this new reality.

This film does a deep dive into the history of historical motivation and one of the key motivating factors of all human existence -- greed!

More than half a century after high school, I still love history and this film scratches a very big itch to know more.

Oh, and those small minds who criticize the notion of "conspiracies," likely have no idea what a conspiracy is. It's merely a conversation between 2 or more people for the purpose of doing something unethical. In my research for my book, "Dirt Ordinary," I discovered that there are at least 489 new conspiracies starting every second, on average. And some of those conspiracies involve the starting of wars, and the theft of billions of dollars. A conspiracy is merely part of group selfishness.
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