Review of Hunted

Hunted (IV) (2020)
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had the potential to be a pretty good film, if it wasn't so weird so as that you can't take it seriously. budget was good, acting was good, storyline became unnecessarily weird. the attacker comes across a young man and his mother camping in the woods, kills the mother with an arrow through the ear, into her head. later on , when he goes to use his stun gun on the woman he hits the body of the dead mother and it gets up and walks around like a zombie, removes the arrow from inside its ear, and hands it to the young man. he later shot the attacker in the shoulder using a bow and arrow and you never see the young man again. what?? what was that? a security guard unleashes his big mean dog to go after them, the dog finds the house they are in ( its a long story ) and runs up the stairs to the room she is being attacked in and attacks the man. i mean, come on guys, what is this nonsense?? a lot of money and decent acting and effort went into a movie that was made not to be taken seriously. too many parts that are random nonsense are thrown in that do nothing more than make it a stupid story.
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