Filmmaking as it should be
12 January 2021
It's been a long time since a movie triggered something deeply unhinged in me, for me that's what film does, it provokes feelings and emotions in a way that's passive and you pretty much don't have any control of over it, "Promising Young Woman" does just that. I've seen my share of emotionally tormented rendition on the screen to know that what Carey Mulligan pulled off here was sheer brilliance, you have this deeply saddened character haunted by a dark and painful past aptly showcased and portrayed, It is extremely hard for an actor/actress to display a set of emotions so unique and complex, but Carey does it with ease and absolute command, you'll feel so invested and drawn to her life. Emerald Fennell, the writer/director threw at us a genre curveball, when you think you know exactly what's gonna unravel, you'll be thrown completely off and it doesn't disappoint one bit as it connects most of the time. Okay, this covers about 90% of the film, it's the last part of the ending that I feel completely indifferent about, I mean I get it, I completely understand its functionality and what it brings to the story but damn it caught me off guard I had to stand up and try to process it, this is just the kind of filmmaking I absolutely adore, it genuinely doesn't care about your feelings and certainly not how you would react to it, but it delivers its core message in style. It's exceedingly rare these days to find a film that can challenge you and create controversy within your mind and for that, I'd say that I absolutely loved this film and would like to see more of its kind.
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