Hacksaw (2020)
Road trip gone wrong with no holds barred gore
12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished rewatching Hacksaw and wow man! It has all practical effects and it's done well. Looks realistic so I have to give credit on that. I dislike CGI for the most part. It usually takes me out of the film because it looks really fake.

I like that the story's key theme is it's something we've all done...gone on a road trip (and when it goes south...good god!!). With every good horror story it has elements of things we've all experienced. This has the road trip to meet up with family to surprise them with news, and the realistic relationship between its main characters. They felt like a real couple because they love each other and know how to dig at each other to drive the other one crazy. Felt like my last relationship.

I like the look of the film because it has a dirty grittiness that reminds me of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The gore is in your face and doesn't hold back. All I'm going to say is you start off on a high note and what an ending!! For all you gore hounds out there this is one you don't want to miss. If you like the stuff in Saw, Rob Zombie films and Hatchet then Hackaw will definitely have a place in your heart. Yes, this is a slasher, but it also has supernatural elements and some type of monster/fiend named Happy. I love that it's left to your imagination at this point, but I want to find out more!

Nice job by the actors Amy Cay and Brian Butler giving their characters a believable feel. I saw that this is the director Anthony Leone's first full length film. That excites me as a horror fan because I can only imagine what he has in store for us in the future.

Now, is this movie going to change lives and win best picture at the Oscars? No, but it's what all us horror fans love. It's honest and not trying to be something it isn't.

So if you're down for some gore and escapism and who isn't at this point then give Hacksaw a watch. If you're a true horror fan...You Won't Be Sorry!!
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