Disappointing mess
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this film I pushed the politics surrounding it out of my mind and decided to focus solely on the movie itself.

As soon as I started watching, it became clear this movie just wasn't coordinated properly. From beginning to end there's an incoherent script with strange character choices - this despite the presence of many high-profile actors, who could have been used to greater extent. The opening is mildly confusing and it feels like someone may have changed the script. The main flaw with Captain Marvel herself is her apparent lack of any weakness and her inherently boring character development. Most Marvel movies in the past have managed to quickly establish strengths and weaknesses in the introduction scenes, many a time these grant the characters a uniqueness.

With that in mind the only way of possibly making this film interesting, was to match the villain's power and strength to that of our protagonist, leading to an epic showdown. This, however, is not the case. Instead we have what is one of the most laughably pathetic endings I have ever seen.

Honestly the attributes Captain Marvel possesses are far more suited to a villain, that then has to be brought down by a combined effort from all of the avengers (ex. Thanos). This would make for interesting viewing, but since it's not the case the movie is devoid of any tension and excitement.

A 5/10 is pretty mediocre in my books but it isn't the worst thing to come out of the MCU. Let's hope Captain Marvel 2 to redeems this!
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