Chilling viewing.
11 January 2021
It's almost fifty years since this film was made, and it hasn't lost any of its potency. I saw this as a youngster, and it terrified me, watching today, I had exactly the same feeling, terror.

The film is wonderfully atmospheric, it's bleak, it's chilling, and Richard Attenborough's performance is spine chilling, he makes Reg an absolutely terrifying figure, despite being so softly spoken.

There is a harshness to this film that truly does work in its favour, there is no lighter side, it's just very bleak.

Based on real life events, it's a fascinating, but tragic story, you can only wonder at the lives that Christie ruined.

Several documentaries are available, and The BBC produced a three part series many years later, but this film version is hard to beat.

Chilling, but outstanding, 10/10.
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