A Political Step from The Opposition.
11 January 2021
Journalism is founded on unbiased and unprejudiced principles. Yet, as a Filipino, it is quite alarming that the media has become the last resort for a dying political party (Liberal Party) that ousted the dictator decades ago. The documentary plainly shows the shallow perspective of Maria Ressa towards the status of Duterte's Philippines. Currently, the administration has several flaws, but every flaw they can get a hand on becomes a weapon of the opposition to use against the admin with the mass media being the medium. You see, ignorance is truly rampant in a country that even takes pride in being in a third-world state and highest incomprehension. This is the PH, the epitome of a developing ship that is about to sink due to the customs and culture of its people.

The desperate measures are taken by the opposition, even creating a film with a POV of a CEO of a biased and issue maker media just to create a stir and a belief towards a non-existent "fascist" government in PH. It is undeniable that the Philippines will no longer alleviate the poor conditions of the country but worsen the cause to a point where the integrity of the government officials and the media can no longer be trusted, while the masses would like to create factions, dividing the country with their stupid fanatic ideologies (DDS & YELLOWS).

If you want to know more about PH history and its failures? Do not waste your time, as this documentary film is an example of how biased the history of the PH is and how one-sided a Filipino ignorant can become so furious armed and backed with hate from the oppositions.

Lastly, vote the person not the party, vote the person you choose according to your understanding and principles. Do not be swayed by the fads and trends, besides everyone is a bandwagon nowadays.
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