Review of PBS News Hour

PBS News Hour (1975– )
Just another left wing outlet
10 January 2021
There is absolutely no balance to this program. When you review the eight main talking heads PBS provides, all have a strong left bias especially Judy. Stories, and I do mean stories, are carefully selected that support a left wing agenda especially on securing the northern border. Judy loves to say she is independent, but nothing about her is as far as who she selects to interview, the questions asked, and the actual manner in which she ask the questions. A lot is in the tone and the way she stresses some words over others. It really shows a total lack of professionalism.

The format day to day is the same. Judy gives a very general discussion of daily events that might consist of two sentences on an event. Then the show goes straight into a group discussion with Judy and two or three of the other talking heads of PBS. All have that left wing bias. Most stories are not actual news events but opinion pieces either by PBS or carefully selected bias pieces from AP. Those stories remain for days, and have multiple opinion pieces on the same subject. PBS has really gotten totally boring and too predictable.

PBS needs a total overhaul. Start with putting a co-anchor to balance the extreme left bias of Judy. Then fire four of the talking heads and get four that have a far more balanced or real independent viewpoint. PBS now is just merely another leftist propaganda outlet. It is sad in what it has become.
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