The Masked Dancer (2020–2021)
Should have used a test audience
8 January 2021
I was looking forward to this, since I love The Masked Singer so much. Didn't know how they would pull it off, because how do you guess a celebrity from dancing? And I like Ken in the panel. And I like the other judges, so I thought it would be fun!

But it's not. The dancing is very awkward and takes too long. It's as if everyone just learned a few dance moves in 5 minutes before they went on. There is no way to guess who they are except the clues. So why even show the dancing? I have cringed watching any of them.

And on top of that, Ken is the only one good in this show. The host seems he does not want to be there, doesn't know how to act. He barely interacts with the celebs or with the judges, which is partially what makes Masked Singer so much fun. All the judges make fun of each other, together. There is full chemistry. But on Masked Dancer, it's as if Ken keeps trying to show them what to do. But he's the only one that belongs there. The others it seems like they were the only ones available and he is trying with all his might to create chemistry and fun. But it doesn't work. He's the strongest personality there. While on Masked Singer, they're all strong personalities, including Nick. They can all own a room and a stage. And they bounce off each other. On this how? Again, awkward to watch.

And I know they are always overdramatic with their "this was amazing, best performance ever!". But on this show it feels even more fake than any other.

Please cancel it. I feel bad for the celebs that were on this, because so far I know them all (on Singer it's often a case of "who??") and feel awful they were even invited on this show.

Truly someone should have had a test audience first. They could have axed it before even airing.

There is no way to recreate Masked Singer. It's just not possible. I'd love a spin-off that attracts even bigger celebs. But there is no option that wouldn't turn out just as bad as this.

Come up with new things. Please and thank you.
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