Chick Fight (2020)
A great action comedy...
7 January 2021
Initially I must admit that I wasn't really expecting much from the 2020 movie "Chick Fight", given its synopsis and with it having Malin Akerman and Alec Baldwin on the cast list. However, I didn't know that it was also a comedy prior to watching it, had I known that, then I must admit things would initially have looked more up for the movie prior to watching it.

And now that I have watched it, I must say that "Chick Fight" was a good combination of action and comedy, with a pinch of drama as well. This movie is not to be taken 100% as a serious action and fighting movie, and if you do so you'll probably end up not liking the movie. I think the comedy elements in "Chick Fight" definitely helped spruce up the movie and make it an enjoyable movie to watch.

As for the cast list, well both Malik Akerman and Alec Baldwin were surprisingly good here in this movie. And it was nice to see the likes of Dulcé Sloan, Kevin Nash and Alec Mapa in the movie as well, especially the latter two as they were just hilarious in their roles. It was good to see Marissa Labog in the movie, just a shame that her role wasn't given more screen time.

The storyline in "Chick Fight" is very straight forward and requires almost nothing to keeping up with. This means that the movie is rather predictable, and you know the outcome of the movie right away, of course. But that is okay, because the movie actually works out nicely as a whole.

I was genuinely entertained by "Chick Fight" and I am rating it a six out of ten stars. I believe that this movie is definitely worth taking the time and effort to sit down and watch.
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