Review of Caillou

Caillou (1997–2018)
Caillou is vile evil brat from hell
7 January 2021
My little nephew started watching this show, and began imitating Caillou's annoying voice almost immediately. Then he started complaining about everything, and throwing temper tantrums like Caillou. The next week, he killed his kitten, stabbing it while singing "bad cat" in Caillou's voice.

Once we stopped all access to Caillou, and took the boy to see a therapist, his gradually returned to what had been his normal self. The therapist was the one who told us that Caillou had a bad influence on the child. My brother and his wife regret ever letting the boy watch Caillou. They thought because it was PBS, it would have positive messages for young children. They were wrong.
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