Killer Twin (2018 TV Movie)
Well shot, but laugh-out loud awful.
6 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is listed as both "KILLER TWIN" and "A SISTER'S OBSESSION" -- let's face it; "KILLER TWIN" is a more entertaining title.

Regardless: this story doesn't make any sense. Like, at all.

Twins, living in an orphanage, are separated when they're children. One girl, Kendra ends up lucky, the other, Amber, does not. Now they are adults. The truth is, twins, especially, would have made extraordinary efforts to reconnect, but "Kendra" who ends up with the good life, doesn't seem to express any interest in knowing where her twin is, and more importantly, doesn't seem to remember that she even *has* a twin. Amber also has no interest and/or knowledge in reconnecting with her twin, until she sees some article about Kendra, now an educator, in some local rag.

Then Amber, whose entire life seems to be about stealing money and scamming people with her lesbian roommate (and don't tell me she isn't; I'm gay; I know) suddenly decides she wants Kendra's perfect life -- and hot husband.

Amber then breaks into Kendra's place twice in what seems to be the same day, without any issue, so she can "make herself up" like Kendra (who has the most glorious hair) and... after she "does" her face, with Kendra's make-up, Amber takes off her ski cap and shakes her hair free, takes out her nose ring (as if!) and, voila, she's Kendra!

The second time she breaks in, again, without issue, and of course, without hubby home because he's "busy," Amber knows exactly where Kendra has left her purse, steals her wallet and leaves - as if anyone in this day and age would live in a big house without some kind of security system.

Then Amber, without apparently taking any credit cards from Kendra's wallet, "maxed out a few credit cards in my beloved sister's name" - again, why? Why is she angry at her sister? Twins have a strong desire to connect and be together. In this story, so far, we don't get a sense of that.

Then there is an insane scene where Amber watches a video of Kendra so she can "match her voice." Why is she going to such trouble? What a loser!

Then Kendra has a "flashback" dream about her sister... who she should have been searching for her entire life.

Then: Kendra and hubby are searching for the key to Kendra's safe deposit box. They're at home. It's night. Someone comes to the door. They've been robbed; there are problems; Kendra, pregnant, is worried. And yet, hubby keeps searching the sofa and lets his pregnant wife, the one he's worried about, go to answer the door. Insane.

It's the "Detective," working alone, unshaven, clothes a mess. Even though he has a CLEAR PHOTO of Amber at the bank, with a VIDEO of her smashing in one of the bank employees with the safe deposit box, he doesn't show it to Kendra or ask her to come down to the precinct right away. *Why not?*

Then, Kendra decides to visit the orphanage, where she tells the birdbrain "manager" that her adoptive parents' family name is "Collins." Birdbrain asks her, "Collins, with a C?" I'm sorry... what other way is there to spell it?

This conversation between Kendra and the birdbrain goes on and on and on. They talk about the original manager, "Eunice" and all the mistakes she made there for 45 years (we see her twice in the movie, 30 years apart -- she does not age one day. Not one.) Birdbrain discusses many of "Eunice's" mistakes. (Girl, please, you are going to make plenty of your own!) And also... There's no computer!!! Maybe there wasn't one 45 years ago, but this film takes place in current day! *Where's the computer?*

Also, as Kendra's BFF Monica (a POC, whoo-hoo, Lifetime! Finally, movin' on up!) tells her, "If she's your twin, she probably wants to talk to you, not rob you." Well, Monica, in a normal world, yes. But in Lifetime Land, the twin sister has to be evil!

And when Monica discovers Amber by accident, Amber STABS her to death IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. No repercussions. NONE.

55 minutes into this film, one GREAT thing happens. The adoptive mother of Kendra sees Amber drive off after killing Monica, but Amber doesn't know who the woman is, so she tries to mow her down! And it's clear the mother is thinking, "Why is my daughter trying to kill me?"

Then, FINALLY, the detective asks Kendra to come down to HQ... and hubby (and Mom!) both let her go ALONE. WHY???

Then, without ANYONE seeing Amber kill Monica, there is an "image" of someone who looks like Amber/Kendra on TV, "if anyone sees..." - INSANE. NO ONE SAW HER.

This "movie" goes on until its insane end where Kendra tosses Amber over the railing and Amber lands, splat, on the floor -- and yet, recovers as soon as Detective Man arrives (without back-up!) to arrest her... and more importantly, for Amber to give Kendra the evil eye so that we know there will be a sequel.

Give me a break! Once was bad enough!
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