Review of The Tick

The Tick (1994–1997)
Ticking of Crime
6 January 2021
This is another one of my favorite animated shows of all time, as well as animated shows based on a comic book series. This is truly an unusual show as it's not the kind you see every day, but that's part of why I really love animation as it gives you the freedom to do whatever you want in both visual art and storytelling without any reality restrictions. Also, the fact this is a show that's not totally for kids but actually for teens, adults or any experienced comic book fans.

The theme song is decent which isn't my favorite but an enjoyable listen as it's rather strange which some guitar beats, some singer singing jazz like tones. This fits with the show's nature as it's pretty strange. I really like the animation which is the same style as the comic book series which is cool as I wouldn't want it any other way.

The world of the Tick is cool, funny, and all kinds of weird. It's pretty much like any comic book world where it's one foot in reality but one foot away, the world is saturated with both heroes/superheroes and villains/super villains though most of them are ineffective. Everyone seems and acts normal but aren't and despite how much a person living there might want a normal life there is no chance in hell as something really crazy and major happens any minute and second.

There is the typical superhero fair of warm and bam but it's really the characters and the humor that power this show. Both the hero/superhero characters along with the villain/supervillain characters are all good in their own way and each by some familiar voice cast members.

Arthur/The Moth (played well by Rob Paulsen) his character really doesn't have any real special powers except flight but that's it. His character is one that has self esteem issues as he's ill confidant, luckless, this is the kind of guy where nothing ever goes right. But he is a person with big dreams that doesn't want to work at a boring job forever or even feel like total crap as his dreams are to be a genuine superhero from going off on adventures to helping people.

Though of course his luck changes for the better, well sort of when the Tick rolls up his doorstep. I really like the back and forth between both, it's sort of a brains and brawns dynamic though also could be superego and id. This dynamic works well, both really are good for each other's lives, from the Tick being able to do only things that Arthur is reluctant to do or can only dream of doing while Arthur keeps The Tick grounded as The Tick at times has very little to no grasp of it.

The Tick another one of my favorite superheroes. You can say if you ever mixed the genes of the Adam West "Batman", the Incredible Hulk, and Homer Simpson you would have this guy. The character is played well by one of my favorite voice actors Townsend Coleman, this is my favorite role from him, really love his vocals which just fit like a glove, every time I read the comic series I think of his voice. The vocals he uses sound like Gary Owens who was famous for voicing a lot of Hanna Barbara superhero characters.

The guy is well a total dim bulb but that's because "The Tick" is more of a doer not a thinker and at least his heart is big and strong just as his physique and super strength are. Really like how at times it's mentioned he doesn't date much, almost brings some psychological reasoning to why he does his superhero work a lot, probably to work out tons of pent-up sexual energy. Though you could say this is a little parody on the fundamental problem of some superheroes that devote most of there time and life to their lifestyle but never have real lives.

The Tick is also enigmatic as we never really know about his origins as he never explains them or may 'be too stupid to remember. Your guess is as good as mine, he could have been some experiment from a government lab that escaped but somehow the government forgot about him or may 'be some sort of alien that came to earth, dressed and disguised as a human but may 'be accidentally turned on some sort of memory and IQ eraser ray which hit him and now romes the city aimlessly. I don't know like I said your guess is as good as mine, but in a strange way that just contributes to the humor is endless enigmatic quality and also make the Tick all the more interesting.

Even though this guy has a brain the size of a tick, let alone lack of love live or any kind of personal life which is very sad, his heart is in the right place which makes him a decent guy and he's always ready for action, on time, buckles down and does what must be done no matter what.

There are even some other superheroes though unfortunately most of them are either useless or cowards which is kind of funny as their walking contradictions, it's as if they just dressed up as superheroes just to simply look cool.

Like one character named Die Fledermaus (voiced by Cam Clarke) whom is a parody on "Batman" who is dressed up like "Batman" but is not even close to his heroic magnitude as he's all talk no action which sort of makes him true to his name as he's one big mouse. He's clearly in the superhero biz for all the wrong reasons and has Don Juan delusions that he can get any girl he wants, probably never occurred to him each of these character flaws are why he keeps getting shot down.

If there is one superhero in the bunch that's useful it's Liberty Maid who is a parody on "Wonder Woman". This is another animated feme fatale I had a crush on when I was a kid (I said I was a kid mind you) just that costume but just love her determined can do attitude, fierce independence, and fire. Like with Wonder Woman she has super strength and as Wonder Woman throws a tierra as one of her weapons, Liberty Maid's weapon is a pump which is surprisingly effective.

I remember thinking somewhere along the line The Tick and her would hook up as both might be a good match as both The Tick and Liberty Maid have three things in common, their devoted to their work and always get the job done while other so-called superheroes don't do jack squat. Have super strength, and both treat each other well as opposed to others that treat both like dirt sometimes. Though this never happens as both keep things platonic which I'm fine with it works all the same. However, the one weakness of the show and even comic series is both never really get to interact enough as Liberty Maid isn't in the show enough, would have been cool if both The Tick and her had a stand-alone episode but that didn't happen either so oh well.

One of the other strengths of the show and I feel true strength is in its dialog which is just fraking hilarious. Some of the things not just the Tick but other characters say can be deliciously bad, strange, colorful, or simply all the above. There is so much verbal humor you might have to watch again just to uncover more of the verbal jokes.

There are just plenty of memorable lines which I can't list as theirs too many, let alone can't do justice writing them down as the kinds you have to hear and see for yourself to believe. Most of them are supplied by "The Tick" of course the most famous line is "Spoon!" I have no idea why the heck he would say that much like everything else he says, it's just so random as if he couldn't figure out a cleaver line at the spur of the moment, so this word just popped into his pea brained head and he just ran with it; well that just my theory yours is as good as mine. But all the same it was just so darn funny because of how random and strange it sounds which kind of reflects part of the The Tick's personal anyway.

Though this show might not be for everyone, if you are into superhero comedies and parodies and even the Weird genre from movies like "Rubber" or TV shows like "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" then this show is for you. But if you not into one or either of those things then this show is probably not going to be your thing.

And remember "SPOON!"

Rating: 4 stars
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