They were prisoners an awful lot...
5 January 2021
Yes, the hero and the damsel and all their friends are prisoners a lot in this film. If they aren't prisoners of the warlord then they are prisoners of the very earth itself! A film that tries to be a brisk fantasy adventure, but spends way too much time tracking the heroes progress as they walk through fields, walk through caves and walk through the fortress where there is no escape except death! Meanwhile, occasionally you get a creature or two for two seconds on screen like strange little people with red glowing eyes who are seen as the heroes arrive and are never seen again!

The story, a woman who does a news show goes to interview a scientist creating a way to travel to different dimensions. An earthquake occurs in what must be alternate dimension L.A. as the heroine's car's driver side is on the opposite side and men care more about the loss of a 40 dollar stick than they do the demise of their pickup. Well everyone ends up in a new dimension, one filled with war and clans and people and monsters that want to kill! They never end up in a dimension where there are orgies 24/7 do they? Well the woman is captured by John Saxon while the guy makes friends and gets captured by a tribe that worships turd rock and soon they will come together to fight and get captured...again.

The cast consists of the guy from Battlestar who was not Dirk Benedict and a very shrill voiced lady who is pretty attractive, but not as attractive as the girl the John Saxon warlord already had. Not sure why he thought he was getting an upgrade, I guess it was the bleach blonde hair. We also get a giant caveman who grunts all his lines, a very annoying sidekick along with a blue dude who is sort of like an elf. Adventure awaits!

The film would have been better had they had more monsters and totally out of this world stuff. About the only thing it did have was plates growing on trees and the occasional creature that bursts forth only to be quickly dispatched. There is also an Arnold Schwarzenegger clone in a diaper painted gold! Too bad there is not much of things like this and way too much walking in fields and people in dungeons.
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