I know I've got a reputation for being a bit of a people person.
5 January 2021
"Give her a shot, she just might surprise you."

A grumpy Chicago native with lots of experience is paired with relative Chicago newcomer/recent transplant to work on a scavenger hunt for a large hotel, The Devonshire, that because of its chain connections could have international implications for their company and be a way to get a promotion that both are angling for to "Head Game Creator". Our heroïne want the position to prove to herself that she really is in the right line of work and she shouldn't just move back home to her family, our Chicago native wants the position for the additional salary that will help him rescue his Grandfather Jack's 125 year old south side home for his career military father to retire in after the first of the year when he has recovered enough from his surgery to be moved back to the United States.

The two could not be more opposite...he works better alone, she works better collaborating. She is all about Christmas...baking, decorations etc. To say he is a minimalist is an exaggeration...but together they make an amazing team and come up with this idea for the 12 dates of Christmas built off of the 12 days of Christmas with a heavy social media component where couples solve clues that take them to romantic places, doing romantic Christmas activities in historic districts in Chicago and posting selfie's when they finish to unlock the next clue..with the last clue ending up at The Devonshire Hotel. It was fun and playful and had a hidden message that challenged you to question your perceptions about people.

"Grandma Sue special" "What's a grandma Sue special?" "Salt dough ornaments that she makes for her grandkids every year. You have to go pick them up from her house." "Blackmail" "She's crafty" "And territorial."

Smart dialogue and a sweet believable couple.

I loved the ending and I totally snorted when our male lead said "I know l've got a reputation for being a bit of a people person."

Fun, not your usual hallmark fare...but creative and can I say I soooo want her job. The research alone makes my job at the hospital seem so boring!
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