Review of A Dog's Life

A Dog's Life (1918)
Chaplin Gets Competition For the Main Role in the Form of Man's Best Friend
4 January 2021
Like most Chaplin films, his mastery is the ability to draw a contrast between humor and tragedy. He was always able to show the terrible plight of his characters, but did it by looking at the comedic value of the situation. Trying to find work and food to survive. Being bullied by everyone bigger than him. Always being suspect with the Police in the area. Searching for love and happiness that always seems to elude him. He carves out awful situations that his character has to face, and yet, always makes us laugh.

He has some competition for the main role in this film with Scraps the Dog. The dog may be the main character in this film. He definitely controls what is going on in each scenario. He even looks like he is smarter than the Tramp. This is no more evident than when Charlie tries to sneak the dog into a night club by shoving him down into his pants. Even the dog's face had a look of confusion.

Edna Purviance plays the potential love interest for Charlie in this film. Her persona is that of an innocent and naïve dance hall singer, who doesn't know how to use her "talents" to garner more tips, so she tries it out on Charlie and that is when we realize she is bad at this job. He may be trying to save her from this life. It is a cute film. Things work out just as they always do. He may have met with success this time, because he made his life more like a dog's life.

7.5 (C+ MyGrade) = 7 IMDB
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