Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Great show. So real!
2 January 2021
I'm finishing up. Was down with a knee surgery and needed something that wasn't too dark and depressing. This is a damn good show. I hate Lila though. She's is awful. Unlikeable in every single way. Tyra has shown she can act through it all. Mean, sad, scared, funny and tough. She nailed them all. Lila is just a whiny baby, and every situation is acted out the same. That disgusting fake sweet voice and talking through her teeth. Jason Street should've stayed while Lila went. He was for sure one of my favorites. Tim is one of the main reasons to keep watching. He's nice to look at and can actually act! Buddy is fat and greasy and sweaty but plays his role well! Coach and Mrs T are likable and real. Cant imagine anyone playing those roles better. Matt, well we all know a Matt. Reliable, sweet, artsy and without much confidence. Landry (pre psycho Todd from breaking bad, had no clue he was in it)was amazing! Smash redeemed himself and I was happy he was around and I LOVE his momma. Man, she was so believable in her role. Maybe a bit too much drinking and screwing for 15 year olds they could've at least held off until they were a bit older. but a damn good show! Just like in high school EVERYTHING is a cross to die on. And just like in a small town football takes precedent over EVERYTHING! Grades, kids, money you name it. Football is their only reason to wake up each day and only means of survival for many. In my town our football coach gets triple what any teacher does. It's really sad actually. So this show is very real, beautifully shot, produced like none other and just about perfect. Except for that winey ass minka Kelly. I know now why she never made it past this and others did. She was cast for her look and looks alone and they just didn't take her far enough. Not against these heavy hitters! All in all a really good drama, really good show. One that will get you in the feels on almost every episode. Glad I finally decided to watch it. And glad they didn't drag it out 10 years! So many shows drag out and end up sucking as a result...not this one.
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