If You're Strange, Move to Portland
1 January 2021
Timmy Failure (Winslow Fegley) is a peculiar kid with a name setting him up for so much teasing. He's a deadpan, Joe Friday type boy who runs his own detective agency out of a closet in his house. His partner is a polar bear which is more than likely imaginary. His detective skills are less than stellar and his people skills are nil. He pretty much roams the streets of Portland, Oregon at will as his mother works two jobs and there is no father to speak of. Things just go from bad to worse with him and he plays a large hand in creating his own problems.

It's a movie about not being normal. It has been told before in various ways. Usually the main character is an oddball that no one likes except a couple of people. He will cause all kinds of problems for himself and others. Then, after being at his lowest and loneliest, and deciding to shun his awkwardness his awkwardness will be needed to save the day and people will realize they should embrace differences.

"Timmy Failure" pretty much follows the aforementioned formula. He was quirky and funny at first, then he became more of a troublemaker and a nuisance. It seemed like there were some deeper issues at the core of Timmy's behavior, but it was never explored or even hinted at. Everyone in Portland, with the exception of his burnt out teacher Mr. Crocus (Wallace Shaw), knew how to handle a kid as odd as Timmy. It was as if Portland was a uniquely suited place to handle strangeness. But what do you glean from that? Everyone who doesn't belong should move to Portland?
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