The final act is well worth the wait !
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wasn't expecting much from this small, low budget thriller however I'm really glad I did give it a go because its' a little gem of a film.

This film is 2 hours long but be warned it is a slow burn, it felt much longer than 2 hours. For the first hour of the film us as audience are on the same rollercoaster ride as the main character Jean played by Rachel Brosnahan. It more or less builds just characters interactions without really explaining much of the plot or what is going on to be honest. It definitely makes you resonate with her struggle/story more because we are in the same boat, desperately wanting the find out more information. I can understand if this slow approach to the film putting people off but I fell it actually serves the story/film well as a whole because the final act is everything you want from a thriller.

That is the main positive of the film, the final act. Its pulsating, thrilling, mysterious, action packed and just enthralling to watch. To me the pay off at the end is well worth it getting through the more slow/dull first half of the film. Although there is a part of me that is slightly disappointed it was a happy ending...........well apart from the grandfather dying that was it, the rest of them survive.

Directing is good from start to finish, acting across the board and obviously in particular Rachel Brosnahan is really really good. Its a very gritty and believable world that is built within this film makes for all the better tension and drama. Stylish and does pack a punch when needed both visually and emotionally. 70% out of 100 its a good film, I'd definitely recommend it !! To score it any better maybe the pace in the first hour could have been done slightly better because there was a point it was starting to drag. Apart from that a solid good thriller !!!
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