The Snail and the Whale (2019 TV Movie)
Slow and Steady wins the race!
28 December 2020
The Snail And The Whale

This was a slow burning story. It didn't wow me at any point, but it cruised by gently and took me on a sweet journey along with the Snail and her new Whale friend. It was very sweet without having to be too complicated, which I found refreshing and an escape.

It was beautifully drawn and I'm not usually a fan of the Computer Generated cartoons, but because of that, it was able to show such fantastic landscapes and the characters themselves might almost be real animated plasticine, that I could forgive it.

I'm not sure that it was necessary to use the celebrity voices of Sally Hawkins or Rob Brydon for the lead characters, but Diana Rigg was a lovely choice as the Narrator.

It was a perfectly short and simple gem to watch with the little ones and keep them quiet on a Boxing Day or Bank Holiday. Or alternatively you can watch it with your Mum, because you're both children that never grew up like I did.

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