The House of Ho (2020–2022)
Is it perfect? No. Did it Love it ? YES!
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I find it very relatable - except being upper class (lol). My back story is VERY similar to the Ho kids. My parents were immigrants/refugees of the VN war. The cultural battle, issues and expectations within the family are literally things I face everyday.

As a reminder there is really, no genuinely good reality TV show and everything is exaggerated so for its category, I think it did pretty well. I'm also glad Viet people are getting representation.

I don't really care that the Ho family is "uber rich" as some reviewers point out. They are still wealthier than me and probably 99% of the people writing these reviews. In hind-sight, thats probably better because they somewhat still have their heads on straight (except Washington lol).

Some people think Judy and Lesley are "boring" but I feel I connect with them so well as a Female Vietnamese-American. I've dealt with a lot of Bsht that they had to. Do I agree with every choice they made? No but I love how people can get a view of what its ACTUALLY like being a daughter to Asian parents and that the stories aren't just made up or jokes. I love Lesley because she is down to earth. She came from humble beginnings and was literally married into this life. She wants to work for her money and not just rely on the Ho family $$. But also wants to fulfill her role in the family. Respect.

Drama - Some may argue that there isn't enough drama but to traditional Vietnamese families some of these issues are BIG. Like the divorce - that is a big no-no in my family too. Men drinking excessively? Very true in Viet culture. So sorry Viet people aren't scandalous ...?

House of Ho >>>>>>>>>>>>>> KUWTK
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