Review of Wilson

Wilson (1944)
"He means what he says."
24 December 2020
Neither its quality nor its good reviews alas were sufficient to prevent this biopic being Darryl F. Zanuck's most expensive failure.

Canadian Alexander Knox was a little-known character actor when he landed the role of Woodrow Wilson and he comes through with flying colours, especially as it is far more difficult to play 'good' than 'bad'. He deservedly won a Golden Globe for his performance.

Great support from Thomas Mitchell, Charles Coburn and Cedric Hardwicke who wisely avoids an American accent as Republican Henry Cabot Lodge. Mrs. Wilson the second is played by the wondrous and captivating Geraldine Fitzgerald.

An Oscar was awarded to Barbara McLean for her superb editing and Leon Shamroy picked up the third of his four Oscars for his stunning cinematography.

Certain aspects of Wilson's presidency have been conveniently passed over of course, especially his support of segregation whilst his role in the Treaty of Versailles is ambiguous. Despite his assurances to President Clemenceau that Germany would never again be allowed to attempt world conquest it was the punitive reparations that France was allowed to impose that enabled Hitler to gain power and to make WW2 inevitable.

Wilson's advocacy of The League of Nations as a means of securing world peace, although well-intentioned, turned out to be a pipedeam as that organisation proved itself as worthless as its successor, the so-called United Nations.

Although Wilson was no saint he was certainly a cut above the assorted crooks, charlatans, shysters and sociopaths who have inhabited the White House in recent decades.

Despite its inaccuracies as an historical record this film justifies its two and a half-hour length and is well directed by Henry King who gets the best out of his cast. Even to non-Americans who have little or no interest in the chicanery and jiggery-pokery of American politics, this should still be of interest to those few who appreciate good film making.
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