OK film, could use a public health warning
23 December 2020
It never ceases to amaze me what people will give one-star and ten-star reviews to. THE MIDNIGHT SKY deserves neither.

Outstanding production values boost adequate performances and a fair script featuring two distinct storylines that slowly converge, and they do so in a way that makes enough sense to be watchable. That said, odd subplots and the occasional flight of fancy lend an absurdist air to an already disturbing story.

Complaints in IMDb reviews primarily target pacing and bad science. Yes, this film has a slower pace, but it's entertaining enough if your attention span can withstand more than a music video. My scientific education is in health sciences/surgery, so I'm no expert on space or the environment; however, nothing in this movie stretched me beyond my willingness to suspend disbelief.

Thematically, THE MIDNIGHT SKY is reflective of the dismal year that is 2020. As we suffer through quarantines, lockdowns, and legitimate worries about the viability of our immediate future, we can see ourselves easily in the characters, all of whom, at some level, experience alienation, pervasive regret, and a sense of creeping dread.

As movies go, this one isn't particularly uplifting, so if a happy ending is a must for you, think about looking elsewhere. The filmmakers do offer a scintilla of hope for those who really need it to get through the night. But not really. The extinction event that determinists believe is humanity's inevitable destiny is the real ending. As the credits roll over a mundane vignette, we know our species is dead, and we're simply waiting for a few stragglers to catch up.

Current events have led even the best of us to nurse the occasional defeatist sentiment, so THE MIDNIGHT SKY could be a tough watch for some. Otherwise, it's a decent, if imperfect, effort.
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