Hey, at least there's no ridiculous moon pirates..
23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, this movie isn't perfect. Some things I liked and others bothered me. Like how the movie abruptly begins with absolutely no preamble. Normally I don't require hand-holding when movies start like this, but I seriously had to check 5 minutes in to make sure Netflix didn't start me halfway through the movie. Very annoying. Also, the fact that humans can detect planets in solar systems thousands of light years away, but we've never noticed a habitable moon around Jupiter?? Kinda dumb. I know, it's just a movie.. Also, why does the ship have rolling office chairs and IKEA shelving? Your hurtling through space a god knows how many kilometers a seconds and you can't secure things properly? The second the anti-gravity ring stops someone's getting that space helmet blown through the back of their head. And why TF did those dudes leave the ship? You family's gone, bud! By leaving your crew mates behind your decreasing their chances of survival. Just selfish. GC was good to watch, as always, and the cinematography was a treat for the eyes. This is a good movie for when your too tired to sleep and want something to enjoy a half-asleep half-awake state on the couch. Oh, and there's absolutely no rabid space monkeys in this movie, which is another good thing.
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