I don't know
23 December 2020
This movie is insane...I don't know what to say. After I finished, I had to research to check this wasn't some weird meta film project about the state of modern children's movies. Nothing in this movie is explicitly offensive for kids, just a bit of slapstick. The acting is purposely over the top, and the wackiness is off the charts, but this completely contrasts the weirdly gritty, borderline frightening portrayal of the movie villain. With cinematography that more resembles a Guy Richie movie, and with a performance eerily similar to by Heath Ledger's joker, I began to wonder "Is this really for kids?" If not, who is this for? I mean, I enjoyed this movie thoroughly, to the point I began thinking.... am I the fool? Was this cynically marketed to be bad in all of the right ways that would make it perfect for YouTube channels and other media outlets give it exposure and sell it to nihilistic millennials? I can't find enough information to confirm this, but Agent Toby Barks is a direct reference to Agent Cody Banks, a reference no child in 2020 would even recognize (and it's not like its a classic). I'm just saying, while they claim can be made this is for kids, many of the actions and choices made say otherwise. I just find it weird that any kid would want to see insane high resolution, shaky cam face closeups of our villain's waning sanity. This movie is garbage, but seemingly calculated garbage. This is a great 'so bad it's good movie,' but I can't help feeling like I'm being duped.
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