the twist at the end was already revealed earlier in the film?
19 December 2020
This doesn't contain actual spoilers, except that I am extremely weirded out by the fact that the little twist at the very end was already known like almost half an hour earlier in the film? What was the point of it? Did the earlier scene escape being cut out because it already revealed it?

Aside from that, this was a rather slow, meandering film, taking too long to get into its core theme, but then without the meandering padding it probably would've been too short to be a full feature-length film.

There is something of an extremely minor "Romeo and Juliet" vibe, but this is purely superficial and not at all important to the plot or the theme as a whole. "The Untouchables" would be a more apt comparison.

Unfortunately for the subject matter chosen here, apparently teenaged obsession with "likes, clicks, views" etcetera, is given the painfully dumb "wots all this youtubin wit these kids now innit?" treatment, where the whole "social media" and technology stuff is treated like something literally as dangerous as heroin or something. It comes across as buffoonish at times, although happily it is nowhere near as heavy-handed and on the nose obvious as "Black Mirror" which has flailed with similar concepts multiple times.
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