The Expanse: Dulcinea (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
Message in a bottle to myself: Enjoy from the start, this is first-class SciFi!
16 December 2020
When watching the series for the first time, for quite some time I didn't pay a lot of attenton because my impression was that this has to be just another mass-pleasing mashup of cgi, drama and horror.

I'd like to send a message in a bottle back in time to tell myself: It isn't, and The Expanse is one of the very best scifi and truely orginal series. There are no story lines I'd rather skip through, and the world building and "real space" setting is simply stunning.

The final proof that this has to be excellent is SyFy dropping it prematurely, just what happened to Firefly. Fortunately, Amazon picked up the series with good continuation and still close to the books - it's a lot more than live action Mass Effect.

So if you happen to start watching this and just want a quick imdb check reading some s01e1 review: Enjoy, you can only see it for the first time once!
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