Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (2020 Video Game)
A good concept lacking in execution
16 December 2020
I have been waiting for this game all year and I'm sorry to say I'm very disappointed with it. It almost feels as though it's release was very rushed. The game is full of a lot of "nearly" moments. It nearly meets expectations with various features but falls short. Sadly, the combat is not great. Very clunky fighting. I was a huge fan of AC Odyssey and had high hopes for this game. Sadly it falls short. The worst thing is that there are so many things in this game (raids, battles...) that are so promising but certain things take away from it. The audio during battles is not great. When raiding a village, you expect to hear loud metal clashing, shouting from panicked civilians and war cries. However, the audio during battle scenes is very underwhelming, which detracts from the concept of raiding. Overall, this was a "nearly" game. With such great concepts and things to do, it "nearly" achieved them, but fell short.
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