Hush (1998)
Bad but fun
13 December 2020
One thing that certainly cannot be said about this movie is that it's boring. The 90s were a great decade for thrillers and this one certainly doesn't rank up there with the best of them but it's most certainly fun. Jessica Lange is pretty great in her role, acting completely insane from the get-go. Her demeanour is so off-putting you wonder why Gwyneth Paltrow's character didn't run at the first sight of her crazy eyes. The husband, as is often the case in cheap thrillers is a complete tool and so the main heroine has to overcome all the odds pretty much by herself. What the film does fairly well is that it creates genuine moments of tension. On top of that, the ending is very satisfying and the last shot is pretty good for what it is. I am in no way saying that this is a masterpiece but for those that like cheap thrillers, it hits all the right beats and leaves one fairly satisfied.
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