Friends: The One with All the Wedding Dresses (1998)
Season 4, Episode 20
Sleep Clinic, Trying On Wedding Dresses
11 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Chandler is awake because of Joey's snoring. He tells him the next day to go to a sleep clinic. Monica says she had an ex who was a light sleeper and when she snored, he rolled her over and that did the trick. Joey takes it sexually and says, "Oh yeahhh".

Ross asks Monica to pick up Emily's wedding dress. Monica and Phoebe are amazed at how beautiful the dresses are. The consultant asks if she would like to try on the dress and she does.

Monica brings it back to the apartment and wears it. Phoebe shows up dressed in a rented wedding dress. They have fun tossing a bouquet to each other.

Chandler comes into Joey's room and tries to turn him over but Joey is sleeping naked. Chandler tries to not see Joey's penis.

Rachel wears a beautiful blue slip dress and Ross comes in when she is pretending to do dishes.

Rachel meets with Joshua at the cafe and plumps on to the couch. She looked pretty plumping down. She asks Joshua to sit and asks if he wants to get married.

Rachel scared Joshua away and she tells the girls in the apartment. They all put on their wedding dresses and sit on the sofa together, Phoebe drinking Perrier and the other two drinking booze.

Rachel opens the door thinking it is Chandler but it is Joshua and he says, "I got to go.".
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