Review of Ninja Assassin

Watch if you only care about action and NOTHING else
11 December 2020
Pros 1. Gore..If you like gore there is are tons of it.

2. Action..there are tons of action.

Cons 1. The action is so very edited, you do not understand what is going on. I counted 11 edits in a 4 second scene. It is hard to enjoy the action when you are not sure who is fighting, how they are fighting or who is even winning. jumps all over the place. Still not sure why anyone was doing anything. It was almost like they spent 90% of time crafting action scenes then came back and said let's insert dialogue.

3. moment the protagonist if having a hard time with one villain, next scene he is taking out 10+ with ease.

4. Power..not sure what the ninjas can or cannot do. Several scenes close to the end indicate they can do things that 'ninjas' (or anyone that is not part of the DC/Marvel universe) should not be able to to and it makes the movie cheesy.
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