Blue Steel (1990)
Don't worry. It gets worse.
11 December 2020
If you think the characterizations and faux-religious nonsense is bad, don't worry. It gets worse, more implausible, and whatever was invested in character formation (in one and only one character played by RonSilver) is spent on preposterous loose ends and, naturally, a lot of squibs.

Kathryn Bigelow likes squibs. I get the feeling she thinks the way to make it is to have action movies with no character, lots of blood, and music that cues the audience to feel this or that way. Sort of like Pavlov's dogs.

I imagine this director to be profoundly cynical about human life. How else to explain a scene where the bad guy is digging for something in the park and then, next scene, the detectives are in their cop car, frustrated that he got away? Where are the shovels? Where is the digging for what he was digging for? No one knows because nothing happens.

The whole movie was like that. But it deserves one star because it got me to watch it, waste of time that it was. The Hurt Locker, for which Bigelow astoundingly won a best picture, couldn't hold my attention for 10 minutes. I tried more than once but soldiers about whom I know nothing do not turn my crank or automatically trigger my empathy.

In the end I concluded that Bigelow put together a "moral drama" worthy of a dull witted middle school child. Good=female cop, Bad=psychopath=male=stock broker (capitalism)=murderer=religious fanatic.
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