Frank vs. God (2014)
For a better take on this subject, read the Book of Job
10 December 2020
First, this is not appropriate for children. Honestly, I'm not sure it is appropriate for anyone. It just misses the mark on all points. It is not particularly funny (okay, maybe a couple of times), not original (some of the courtroom scene was practically lifted from the movie, "Oh, God!"), not focused on one particular viewpoint (e.g. Christianity, Islam, or Judaism), and not informed (it did not quote the Bible in its full context). I walked away from the whole experience wishing I had my money back. I didn't pay for the movie, but I still felt ripped off.

A story about finite man trying to understand the role of Our Infinite God in the midst of personal tragedy is no laughing matter. It is taken with more of light-hearted approach then to seriously consider the matter. It trivializes one of the most difficult questions of our existence: Why do bad things happen to good people?

I think anyone who really wants to study that question should read the Book of Job from the Old Testament. You will learn that Job, a righteous man both in the eyes of God and his community, is struck with multiple disasters that wipes him out of his home and his children's lives. Chapter after chapter Job asks, "Why?" He never gets an answer from God or from anybody. But, God does asks Job some big questions for which Job must remain silent. What happened? Job learned perspective and place. When he considered what God asked him, it was quite apparent he did not possess the mind of God or His understanding..

In the final analysis, this is what the movie should have done. It needed to remind us that whatever is happening that we don't understand, there is an Infinite Understanding Mind and an Infinite Heart of Compassion behind it. It is best seen on a cross, not this film.
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