Wow! So much hatred from reviewers toward Lee Israel. :O
10 December 2020
I was surprised how many reviewers called her vile, despicable, loser, trash, criminal. Yes, she became a criminal, but she was once an accomplished author who lost the pulse of the public and couldn't write what would sell as she got older. Is it because she is a woman that so much hatred is flung on her?? So MANY MEN commit atrocities and huge rip off scams and I don't see a ton of reviewers calling them all these horrible names when they make a movie about them. Maybe Lee wasn't the most socially adept person, but her crime was out of desperation and I found the scene with her sick cat and the heartless vet employees heartbreaking. I guess a lot of you people don't know what it's like to have life spiral outta control and what it's like to grow older and have fewer or no friends, because people move and a lot of your friends start dying off as you get to 50+ years. Her crime impacted mostly wealthy people purchasing a luxury item basically, so I don't feel it was so horrible, wasn't like she was buying a damn mansion and a yacht and diamonds and Ho's with the money like the big Enron, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae executives, or Bernie Madoff. Who robbed HUGE tons of money simply outta greed and almost tanked our whole economy and left people homeless, jobless, hungry and desperate and most of them get a slap on the hand or go to a luxury white collar crime jail for a few months or years. I look forward to see the comments that will come out in the next few years when they make a movie about Trump's corruption and utter lack of conscience about letting this virus spiral out of control and kill innocent people and front line workers (You know nurses are quitting their jobs left and right from sheer exhaustion and fear as the numbers keep climbing as I am typing these words) while he spewed nothing but lies to all america. Now that's my idea of a Monster Criminal and should count as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, not some poor old cranky woman who made a few forgeries to keep a roof over her head and food on her plate. She didn't kill anyone, she didn't make anyone deathly ill. She didn't leave families and elderly people homeless, hungry or jobless. She got busted, PLEADED GUILTY and got her punishment. WILL TRUMP????? :o Do you EVEN CARE???

I think Melissa did a great job portraying Lee and her desperate circumstances, terrible choices and unfriendly demeanor. I enjoy movies about real people and as for all you Harsh critics with nasty words and no forgiveness for what is basically a mild crime. Remember, "Let he whom is without sin cast the first stone." Pretty sure u guys casting those stones aren't being really honest with who YOU really are. In the famous words of Seth Meyer, "Ya BURNT!" ;D
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